28 April 2014

Emmeline Pankhurst "Why We Are Militant"

Emmeline Pankhurst’s speech, “Why We Are Militant,” convinces the audience that the militant element is necessary to persuade the representative government of England. For instance, Pankhurst states,” nothing ever has been got out of the British Parliament without something very nearly approaching a revolution.” (CP 207). She discusses how men were able to gain what they needed from the Parliament through violence, she states,” men got the note because they were and would be violent,” (CP 207) unlike woman who were are more patient and nonviolent. She states,” woman did not get it because they were constitutional and law-abiding” (CP 207). She believes woman are too patient but why should they if the Parliament does not take their words nor actions seriously? for instance, she states,” I am by nature a law-abiding person, as one hating violence, hating disorder-  I want to say that from the moment we began our militant agitation to this day I have felt absolutely guiltless in this matter” (CP 208). She expresses how important it is that militant element is the last resort and how the Suffrage movement has come to this, she states,” I tell you that in Great Britain there is no other way” (CP 208). 
Photo above is Mrs. Pankhurst speaking at a rally. 
Here is another one
This one really catches my eyes. 

Does Emmeline Pankhurst "Why We Are Militant" speech convince you that woman during this time should act militant to get the Parliament to take them seriously? What do you guys think? 

Sources: CP & Google images 
**Wrong week by accident, I read the syllabus wrong, LOL

1 comment:

shelley w. said...

Lucy, that first photo is actually when she was in New York City making the speech. Good find!